Eating Healthy with Diabetes: A Guide to Delicious and Nutritious Meals

Eating Healthy with Diabetes: A Guide to Delicious and Nutritious Meals

Living with diabetes doesn't mean you have to give up on great tasting food. With a few modifications to your diet, you can enjoy delicious and nutritious meals that support your health and manage your blood sugar levels. In this blog, we’re going to explore some of the best foods for diabetics.

Emphasizing Non-Starchy Vegetables and Whole Grains

Non-starchy vegetables, such as leafy greens, carrots, peppers, and cucumbers, are a great addition to any meal. They are low in calories, high in fiber, and provide a wealth of essential vitamins and minerals. Whole grains, such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, and quinoa, are also an important part of a healthy diet. They are a good source of fiber and provide a slow and steady source of energy to help manage your blood sugar levels.

Hands cutting zucchini with a knife

Incorporating Fruits, Lean Proteins, and Healthy Fats

Fruits, such as berries, melons, and apples, are a sweet and satisfying addition to your diet. They are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Lean proteins, such as chicken, fish, and tofu, provide the building blocks your body needs to function at its best. Healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocado, and nuts, can help you feel full and satisfied, making it easier to stick to your eating plan.

Limiting Added Sugars, Refined Grains, and Saturated Fats

While it is important to include healthy foods in your diet, it is also important to limit or avoid certain types of food that can have a negative impact on your health. Foods high in added sugars, such as candy, baked goods, and sugary drinks, can raise your blood sugar levels and lead to weight gain. Refined grains, such as white bread and pasta, are stripped of their fiber and nutrients, making them less nutritious. Saturated and trans fats, found in many fried foods and processed snacks, can increase your risk of heart disease and other health problems.

Eating Small, Frequent Meals

Eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day can help you better manage your blood sugar levels and prevent spikes and drops. When meal planning, consider the glycemic index (GI) of the foods you are eating. Foods with a high GI, such as white bread and sugary drinks, can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar. Foods with a low GI, such as non-starchy vegetables and whole grains, are absorbed more slowly and have a gentler impact on blood sugar.

 Root vegetable salad


Eating healthy foods with diabetes is all about finding a balance between great taste and good nutrition. While this is not a complete diabetic diet, by emphasizing non-starchy vegetables, whole grains, fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats, and limiting added sugars, refined grains, and saturated fats, you can enjoy delicious and nutritious meals that support your health.

Red to green vegetables  

Looking for a healthy food to eat? Here is a recipe we like. 

Spinach & Feta Stuffed Chicken Breast


  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 8 oz spinach leaves
  • 4 oz feta cheese, crumbled
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 tbsp olive oil


  1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
  2. Butterfly the chicken breasts, being careful not to cut all the way through.
  3. In a bowl, mix together the spinach, feta, lemon juice, garlic, salt, and pepper.
  4. Stuff the mixture into the chicken breasts and secure with toothpicks or kitchen twine.
  5. Heat the olive oil in an oven-safe skillet over medium-high heat.
  6. Sear the chicken on both sides until golden brown.
  7. Transfer the skillet to the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through.
  8. We recommend serving with a side of steamed vegetables.


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